1/2TbspFenugreek SeedsSoaked (soak them overnight or for a minimum of 6 hours)
1TspTurmeric Powder
1TspCrushed Red Chilli PowderKuti laal Mirch
1/2TbspTable Salt
1/4CupCane JaggeryBroken, if using powder use lesser
1/4CupTamarind PulpFresh extracted
1/2tspKasuri Methi LeavesDry Fenugreek leaves
Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight or for at least 6 hours. Rinse and drain the water thoroughly before using them to avoid bitterness. Soaking helps in removing bitterness and softens the seeds.
Prepare the potatoes by peeling, washing, and dicing them into medium-sized pieces.
Preparing the Curry:
Heat Ghee or Vegetable Oil in a cooking vessel.
Add Fennel seeds and Asafoetida, allowing them to sizzle for a minute.
Add the soaked fenugreek seeds, and sauté them for a while.
Now, add the diced potatoes and gently mix. Let them sauté for a couple of minutes over low flame.
Incorporate the Turmeric Powder, Crushed Red Chilli Powder, and Salt into the mix. Stir well to combine all the spices.
Pour in the Water
Add Jaggery. Cover the vessel with a lid and let it cook for approximately 10 minutes over medium heat.
After cooking check if the potatoes are cooked, mash a few of the potatoes to achieve a slightly thick consistency.
Add Tamarind Paste and continue to cook for a couple of minutes.
Finally, add Kasuri Methi Leaves for aroma, give it a gentle mix, and serve hot. This dish complements Poori perfectly.